STUDIES and Scientific Skills


Dr. Bahram Alamdary Badlou

Hematology Specialist

Dr Bahram Alamdary Badlou was born in Tehran, Iran (1964) and studied Biomedical Medicine in the Medicine Faculty of Utrecht, The Netherlands. During last 20 years he worked with different professors as Prof. dr. Van der Bosch (Peroxisomes involvement in Ageing and regeneration, CBLE, UU,NL), Prof. dr. K.Kits (Antioxidants effect on ageing related diseases, CBLE, UU, NL), Prof T. Ruigrok (Heart transplantation Sciences, AZU Utrecht, NL), Prof JW Akkerman ( Platelets storage Sciences, Hematology Dept. AZU Utrecht, NL), Dr J. Giepmans (EPCAM effects in regeneration of Pancreatic beta- Stemcells, UMCG, Groningen, NL). Dr Badlou got in the last 20 years, multidisciplinary experiences in Biomedical Sciences, Transplantation Sciences, Transfusion Medicine, cell and organs regeneration, antioxidant and degradation processes studies, mechanism of regeneration and tissue repair systems, teaching medical students, collaborating with different universities and companies concerning medical questions. Dr Badlou is going also to collaborate with different International Universities and Companies over novel- and challenging works in novel area in tissue and bone regeneration research and development to perform variety of complex research experiments and be responsible for overseeing laboratory operations within his department, as well. My idea in these novel tissue and bone engineering is mainly additive to your approaches which I hope to adapt it whenever needed. At this moment Dr Badlou works as CEO of BBAdvies and Research International team to build up an Academic Hospital for Platelets.

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